

身体部位英文、手 (从肩膀开始由上到下排列)

shoulder 肩膀
arm 手臂
upper arm 上臂
elbow 手肘
forearm 前臂
wrist (n) 手腕
palm (n) 手掌
finger 手指
thumb 大拇指
index finger /forefinger 食指
middle finger 中指
ring finger 无名指
little finger/ pinky小指
nail/ fingernail指甲

身体部位英文、身体 (上到下排列)

neck 1. 脖子
chest 2. 胸部 (人体)
breast 3. 胸部 (女性或鸟类和其他动物)
abdomen 4. 腹部 (人体或昆虫)
belly 5. 肚子 (口语)
navel /belly button 6. 肚脐 (口语)
stomach 7. 胃
waist 8. 腰
back 9. 背

身体部位英文、腿 (由上到下排列)

hip 1. 腕部
buttocks (常用复数)2. 屁股
bottom (本意为[底部])2. 屁股
leg 3. 腿(整条)
thigh 4. 大腿
knee 5. 膝盖
calf 6. 小腿 (另有[小牛]之意)
ankle 7. 脚踝
foot (复数feet)8. 脚
heel 9. 脚跟
toe 10. 脚趾

源于:orginate from

The word rouladeoriginates from the French word "rouler" meaning "to roll"。 Black Forest cake originated in Germany.

记住:Bear in mind

身心投入:pouring your heart and soul into

I thought this call was massively interesting, as there are several steps to the process of picking keywords and several things to bear in mind before pouring your heart and soul into article writing.

目录:table of contents

从零开始:from scratch

Consider this like a table of contents for how to build a niche website from scratch: